The Association of Ivorian International Officials (AF2I) strongly criticized the decision of the African Development Bank (ADB) to separate from the Ivorian citizen Albéric Kacou, Vice President in charge of Human Resources and Institutional Services of the African Bank of Development.
In a correspondence, the association whose mission is to promote the presence of Ivorians in the international civil service and the interests of Ivorians employed in international public organizations, said to have learned with “the greatest amazement”, the 22 January 2018, the “abusive and brutal dismissal of the Ivorian Albéric Kacou, Vice-President in charge of Human Resources and Institutional Services of the African Development Bank and current President of the Association”.
Read below the statement of the association
Declaration of the Association of Ivorian International Officials (AF2I) following the unfair dismissal of the Ivorian Albéric Kacou, Vice-President in charge of Human Resources and Institutional Services of the African Development Bank.
The Association of Ivorian International Officials (AF2I), whose mission is to promote the presence of Ivorians in the international civil service and the interests of Ivorians employed in international public organizations, learned with the greatest amazement, the 22 January 2018 , the abusive and brutal dismissal of the Ivorian Albéric Kacou, Vice-President in charge of Human Resources and Institutional Services of the African Development Bank and current President of the Association.
This feeling is less the decision of ADB President Adesina Akinwumi to separate from Mr. Kacou as a close collaborator, but also because of the undeniable quality and moral integrity of his career path. copy of Mr. Kacou.
In fact, his professional skills, recognized in the international civil service, have earned him, for more than 25 years, successively the high responsibilities of Resident Coordinator of the United Nations system and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP) in four African countries (Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Nigeria and Tanzania),
Deputy Executive Secretary and Director of Operations of the United Nations Capital Development Fund, and the position of Chief of Staff to the UNDP Administrator in New York.
Moreover, in our analysis, and according to our information, Mr. Kacou did not commit any proven professional misconduct because of a lack of competence in the duties he held, which could justify the radical and brutal nature of this separation. . Everything suggests that the dismissal is abusive, on the basis of incompatibility of mood, especially since the President of the AfDB, after the evaluation of the performance of Mr. Kacou six months ago, confirmed unreservedly in his duties as Vice-President.
The Association of Ivorian International Officials expresses its greatest concern over this decision and calls for Mr. Kacou’s rights to be scrupulously respected according to the administrative and protocol procedures in this area.
Considering the many sacrifices made by the government and the Ivorians to warmly welcome and encourage the return of the ADB from its land of exile from Tunisia to Côte d’Ivoire, the act of the President of the ADB border on both contempt and distrust of our authorities. Never in the history of Côte d’Ivoire has such an act occurred.
Accordingly, we, international civil servants, wish to draw the attention of the Ivorian authorities supervising the ADB, namely His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Government, on the unfair treatment of one of the most deserving Ivorians on the soil of Côte d’Ivoire, the ADB’s host country.
The AF2I is therefore convinced that Côte d’Ivoire, at the highest level will treat this issue, an example that will elevate relations with the international institutions in which our compatriots practice, at a high level of respect and respect. professionalism. In so doing, the Government would reassure all Ivorian international civil servants of the benevolent eyes of the authorities on their careers and the preservation of their rights in the exercise of their functions in these various institutions.
The AF2I would like to express its full confidence and solidarity with its President, and seize this opportunity, to invite all Ivorian international civil servants victims of blatant injustices in their workplace around the world, to inform the association, so that the appropriate actions are undertaken.
In order to maintain a constructive spirit, the AF2I office would like to take all measures to resolve this situation, including soliciting a hearing with His Excellency the Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs, and host of the headquarters agreement of the AfDB, the Minister of Planning (Governor of the AfDB) and His Excellency the Prime Minister, to express his deep concern and consider the relevant actions to follow.
Made in Abidjan the 31 January 2018
by the Bureau of the Association of Officials
International Ivorians
By delegation, the Secretary General, A. Bamba
1 Comment
Thank you for the detailed explanation on the matter. I wanted to know if Mr Kacou was reinstated back to his position at AFDB and any current updates on the matter. Thank you.