Can they alone constitute 60% of the value chain of the cashew sector and, at the same time, suffer from lack of representativeness for the establishment of an Interprofessional Agricultural Organization (OIA) in the sector? FENAPACI [National Federation of Cashew Producers of Côte d’Ivoire] replied “no”. For this structure which claims 28 unions of cooperative societies and 352 cooperative societies, it is time for the actors themselves to take control of the sector by creating the interprofession expected since the disappearance of INTERCAJOU in 2011. They called this “Take control of your destiny”.
In Yamoussoukro, where its directors met on Saturday, April 7, FENAPACI is giving itself 2 weeks to sit the OIA. The delegate of Marahoué, Dagou Crepin, did not go from the back of the spoon to announce it. “It is useful to set up the interprofessional organization. This, in the next 2 weeks. Let us no longer talk about representativeness! “, He hammered before many producers and other delegates of FENAPACI from the regions of Bagoué, Hambol, and Gontougo.
The CAS Order from the National Association of Cashew Producers (ANAPROCAJOU) is opposed to a study by the Cotton and Cashew Council (CCA). Given to a firm, the investigation concluded that no single agricultural professional organization fulfills the representativeness criteria provided by the texts. Namely its capacity to supply 15% of the national production of cashew nuts and to regroup 37,500 producers.
Threat on the 2018 milking?
In addition, the leaders of FENAPACI are worried about the current marketing campaign. Their wish to see the purchase prices soar to their 2017 and 2016 levels, where they were close to 1,000 CFA francs, seems to be in jeopardy. In their view, the taxes and other levies imposed by the CCA. Including a DUS [Exit Right] of 10 CFA francs and a retention of 15% on purchases of raw cashew nuts ready for export. The nuts retained are reserved for local processing industries.
Applicable taxes on the kg of cashew nuts under the 2018 marketing in Côte d’Ivoire
This last provision makes the exporters cautious. Who, according to the president of FENAPACI, Bamba Adama, are hesitant to buy the products. They would be afraid that their nuts would be confiscated in the ports. As a result, cashew bags are piling up in the shops. Lack of buyers. The situation raises fears of a deterioration in the quality of long-stored nuts and its impact on the purchase price to producers.