Launched with fanfare in July 2012 in Brazzaville, the Forbes Africa franchise is stopped due to apparent financial difficulties. The last issue was published in October 2017.
Faced with this blockage, journalists and staff who, for some have not been paid for 14 months, decided to form a collective. In a joint missive, addressed last week to Mr. Ebata, and that Financial Afrik has procured exclusively, the injured employees speak of “a serious situation”, while also evoking a series “of possible options for to be recognized in their rights “.
Already, several bailiff letters have reached the Paris headquarters of the group, located in a sumptuous building at 18 Avenue Franklein Roosevelt, close to the Champs Elysees.
The boss of the magazine, Lucien Ebata, no longer takes his phone and our attempts to reach him by email have remained without effect.
Boss of the Orion Oil Trading Company, Lucien Ebata was screened in front of the French-speaking African village at a forum organized in Brazzaville in 2012 with the participation of Christine Ockrent as animator, former French Prime Ministers Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Dominique Villepin as well as a certain Nicolas Sarkozy. The latter would have received 100,000 euros (according to Mediapart) for his participation.
Close to the Congolese power, Lucien Ebata is adviser special adviser to the presidency for external funding.