The globe-trotter Maria Nadolu returns from Cape Verde and describes this beautiful destination through an unprecedented angle, far from the quantitative curves of the economic press, the cascade of the figures contained in the power point and the Gross Domestic Product equation. that others want to turn into Gross National Happiness. In short, a love at first sight with striking photos.
“The ocean is uncertain and changeable like the heart of man,” said Sommerset Maugham in the Mermaid Archipelago. In the middle of an ocean, there is Cape Verde, “ten grains of sand in the Atlantic,” sang Cesaria Evora.
It is thanks to the “Diva barefoot” (Diva dos pés descalços) that I discovered these islands. In my tribe of lights and guides to which I turn by inspiration when I find myself at crossroads, she is also there since I was a kid, she is there thanks to her love, her simplicity, her authenticity, her courage.
I remember a sunny afternoon with large windows open during the college exams, where I looked up at the sky, dreaming of distant lands. At that moment, I told myself that I will know her, or at least I will swim in her ocean.