At the end of 2017, the total balance sheet posted by the National Bank for Economic Development (BNDE) is FCFA 141 billion, an annual increase of FCFA 53 billion in absolute value, and more than 60% in relative value.
This increase corresponds to the cumulative increase recorded over the first three (03) years (2014-2016). It is attributable to the significant growth in the financing of the economy by BNDE.
The ratios and intermediate management balances recorded a good progression with a net margin rate of 21% against 6% in 2016, an annual increase of 15 basis points.
In addition, the majority of the government-owned bank’s NBI increased by 67% in relative terms compared to 2016. Proof of good control over operating expenses, the cost / income ratio improved by 17 basis points at 56%.
as for the net result for the 2017 financial year, it is 1,594 million FCFA, more than 5 times the result of the previous year. The cost-effectiveness ratio has been multiplied by 5 from 1% to 5%.
These performances were approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders which met this Thursday, April 26, 2018. It has also decided, after four years of exercise, to make the first distribution of dividends equal to 1000 FCFA per share.