Estimated at CFAF 6,527 billion at May 31, 2018 by the Caisse Autonome d’Amortization (CAA), the outstanding amount of Cameroon’s public debt is on a rising trend.
Indeed, the debt continues to climb, representing 32% of gross domestic product (GDP). It thus knows an increase of 1 108 billion compared to the same period last year, when it was 5 419 billion.
According to the CCA, the external debt is estimated at CFAF 4,956 billion at the end of May 2018 compared to CFAF 4,027 billion during the same period last year. Domestic debt stands at CFAF 1,571 billion at the end of May 2018, compared to CFAF 1,391 billion at the end of May 2017, according to the same source.
However, the state body responsible for managing the public debt states that “with a debt ratio of 32% of GDP as at May 31, 2018, the country meets the standard set in the CEMAC zone that authorizes a public debt ratio. up to 70% of GDP “.