Comoros, Tomorrow
In his speeches, the President of the Comoros, Azali Assoumani, seems aware of the difficulties of each stage: he sets the course and identifies the obstacles to overcome. He has a global vision of the development of the Comoros. This can obviously be discussed by presenting justified remarks and proposing alternatives. He believes that the best conditions must be met before embarking on the investment phase.
In his strategy, Azali Assoumani considers that the improvement of the living conditions of the populations, in particular the most fragile ones, is an essential condition. Improving the educational level of the population is also considered as an economic, social and political condition of development. For him, the best development conditions are in the improvement of basic conditions: the realization of major transport infrastructure, roads, ports.
Indeed, the Comoros Islands are recording new infrastructures that boost development: well-sheltered and well-served ports, good transport networks, and an important road network. Among other things, mention is made of the carrying out of road maintenance and rehabilitation campaigns, including the maintenance of 288 km of roads for a sum of KMF 1.6 billion on own funds, the rehabilitation of 200 km, the launch of Tenders for Hahaya-Mitsamiouli on a distance of 23 km and Dindri-Lingoni on 10.3 km. We also note the signing of the contract for the Fomboni-Miringoni (26km) and Itsinkoudi-Mtsangadjou (13km) axes, the ongoing studies for the Koimbani-Sidjou-Idjinkoundzi sections, the launch of the works for Moroni-Hahaya (17km) and Ouani-Bambao (20 km), launching tenders for the follow-up of the works of Moroni-Foumbouni roads over a distance of 47 km, the road connecting Sima-Moya over a length of 26 km, and carrying out studies for the circular roads of the three islands, 300 km.
The country also plans to invest KMF 7 billion for the rehabilitation of road infrastructure under the 11th EDF and signing a contract with a partner for the creation of a crushing company. The head of state had made a technical visit to the Dindri-Lingoni Road construction site during his visit to Anjouan, where work is proceeding at a high speed. On a length of 11 km across the mountain, this section is financed by the Saudi fund in an amount that exceeds 7 billion kmf, and will be operational before mid 2019.
Human factor
In this development process, the human factor has rightly been considered decisive. The availability of a large and well-trained workforce has been much needed for the economic expansion of the country.
The strategic choice that has been made seems to have taken into account the experiences of many countries. Indeed, development should not be based on a large workforce, low qualified and low cost. The added value and success are in the share of innovation and creation of any industrial production. This requires qualified personnel, well trained and open to advanced technologies. In this field too, investment is the responsibility of the public authorities, which must devote significant resources to it. These heavy investments take time to set up and begin to produce their effects only in the medium term. In the meantime, social needs are enormous and their dissatisfaction can be a major obstacle to the development process and social cohesion. The strategy implemented has therefore ensured that social needs are covered to a great extent: housing, health, employment, the major role of large infrastructures as factors and conditions of development.
In two years, the face of the Comoros has changed a lot. The development conditions are no longer confined to a few previously limited areas favored by the presence of ports, road infrastructure and the existence of universities and training centers providing a large workforce of quality .
Transport, tourism, energy … sectors for economic development
For the Comoros, transport remains a long-standing priority of state policies. Effective transportation systems and modern networks are, therefore, a necessity for economic development, social welfare, large-scale production and the preservation of the environment. The transportation sector is undergoing a transformation. A large number of projects have been completed or are in the process of being completed, in order to make this sector more efficient and effective in contributing to the economic development of the country.
On the tourism side, the revival of the sector is one of the priorities of the President of the Republic, namely the signing of a protocol with a Tanzanian operator (VIGOR) for the extension of the Hotel Itsandra, the construction of a new hotel in the capital Moroni, the construction of a waterfront (Water Front), and the ongoing negotiation with the ARMADA Group for the recovery of the Galawa hotel.
In the energy sector, the government does not skimp on the means: it has notably invested 10 million euros with the UAE company for generators. In this regard, the presidential palace specifies that a sustainable solution to renewable energies remains under consideration, the revival of the activities of the 18MW heavy fuel station and establishment of a road map. Other sectoral activities include the negotiation with IFAD of a 4 billion KMF recovery program, the preparation of a recovery plan for the national fishing company for a budget of 2 billion KMF, the mobilization of funds for the operationalization of the National Vanilla Office (UNDP) and the ongoing training of a vast program of revival of the Rural Centers for Economic Development (CRDE).
The path to development
The economic development strategy adopted by the Comoros now appears very clearly. Its contours are clarified as well as the next steps. The record of achievements during the two years is sufficiently revealing of the chosen approach, as the projects that are announced outline the new phase of development that completes and follows the previous ones. The extremely favorable financial conditions in the country have enabled the implementation of a multi-step strategy that has gradually been put in place. It consisted in the creation, beforehand, of the best development conditions in the country, in order to prevent the actions undertaken from being hampered by inadequacies that would have constituted real bottlenecks and seriously compromised the expected results. We have seen that in developing countries, shortcomings in transport infrastructure have been real obstacles to economic take-off. First, it was necessary to ensure the best objective conditions for development by carrying out major infrastructure work. In this sense, the financial resources available to the Comoros were devoted to carrying out heavy and expensive work that will serve the long term and that only the public budget could support.
The Comoros Emerg in 2030, a prosperity shared by all
Sharing the fruits of growth will be a critical factor in assessing emergence. In fact, growth only makes sense if every citizen feels the benefits. In this context, the Comoros Emergent will have to result in a concrete improvement of the living conditions of the populations, with a high level of income, a more equitable distribution and a now dominant middle class. Full employment will be ensured through the creation of 80,000 well-paying jobs that will absorb new entrants into the labor market. Social indicators will be in line with the country’s wealth level. Comorian citizens will benefit from universal health coverage and widespread access to housing. A targeted aid policy will significantly reduce the level of poverty and build a more just and inclusive society. Emergence will also result in a higher level of education, giving every citizen opportunities to take charge of themselves and their lives responsibly, as well as improving the physical and moral well-being of their citizens. It will promote a richer and more fulfilling cultural life.
Placing the human dimension at the center, Comoros Emergent will rely on an educated, open and tolerant population. At the global level, the Comoros will be recognized as an important player in peace, as well as a pioneer and a model of the green economy, assuming a key role in the fight against climate change and the promotion of the green economy.
By Youcef MAALLEMI, Special Envoy to Moroni (Comoros Islands)