Mali’s presidential elections were played in two rounds, on 29 July 2018 and on 12 August, with the overwhelming victory of President Ibrahima Boubacar Keita (IBK) at the expense of his longtime challenger, Soumaila Cissé, leader opposition leader.
But, while the electoral dispute is about to be emptied in the midst of fierce disputes, here is a new case, the appearance of various facts, bursts. Members of the Mission of the International Observers of the Parliament of the African Civil Society (MOIPSCA) are literally sequestered in a hotel in Bamako due to unpaid and exceeding mission expenses. Embarrassing case.
Accredited by the Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) to oversee the electoral process, observers say they have not managed to get an interlocutor at this level. In turn, the Primature did not respond. The five representatives of the Parliament of the African Civil Society constituted of 4 nationalities (Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin and Côte d’Ivoire) do not know which saint to devote.
Joined by Financial Afrik, Samira Yassni, president of the Commission of Women and International Relations Officers of the African Civil Society Parliament, said she hopes to follow up on the situation by counting on the wisdom of greater Mali. At the latest news, a letter was sent to President IBK.