As part of a mission to raise awareness of the African diaspora regional market instruments, the BRVM met this Friday, September 21, 2018 in Harlem Senegalese diaspora living in the United States. It is the Association of Senegalese Americans (ASA), created since 1988 and has more than 7,000 members, and the association of nationals and supporters of Casamance in the United States.
“This awareness-raising campaign is of paramount importance to the BRVM when we know what represents the flow of remittances from the diaspora to African countries,” said Edoh Kossi AMENOUNVE, Managing Director of the BRVM. “For example, in 2017, $ 2.2 billion was transferred by the Senegalese diaspora. These remittances can be better channeled and structured by modern and secure mechanisms that capital markets can offer, “he continued.
Kossi AMENOUNVE took the opportunity to present the opportunities of African financial markets and urged the diaspora to participate in financing the development of the continent by being more active in these markets. They shared this vision and expressed the need for security and profitability of their savings after several years of work.