The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published on Tuesday, October 8, 2018, warns of the need to do everything possible globally to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. With such a base, this report even states conclusively that the consequences of such a warming would be severe for life on Earth as well as for the health of our economies. Occasion could not be better hoped to resume my pen of “think differently” to, through these few lines to question me on the relevance of the management of the environmental problem. Of course, we will avoid as much as possible taking part in ongoing expert discussions on alleged serious errors in the IPCC report. We will focus on the substance of the environmental problem. It is worth remembering that the United States, the world’s leading economic power, has already expressed reservations about the climate issue. Through these lines, I wish to revisit the dogmas and certainties that surround environmental issues, to show how the responsibility of humans that we are about climate change is not scientifically established despite the dominant thinking.
By deciding to write these few lines on this topic of major strategic issue, some will say vital for humanity, we will use as much as possible common sense and critical thinking. Indeed, on many subjects that have marked the life of humanity, the fact that the issues have still not been asked in a rigorous way has naturally biased the solutions. Analyzes essentially based on the paradigm of intellectual analysis, elitist, and often on false expectations. We remain convinced that the issue of the environment is one of those mistakes that the whole of humanity continues to suffer.
The earth is the scene of increasingly worrying phenomena that are called global warming, flood, tsunami, climate change, melting glaciers, storm, desert, earthquake, bad weather, etc. The cyclone of Bhola in Bangladesh ( November 12, 1970), the deadliest in the history of humanity with its 400,000 victims seems to have been one of the detonators that precipitated universal environmental awareness.
The earth and the universe were created billions of years ago according to a programmatic operation that left nothing to chance. The planets that revolve around the sun, the harmonious spatial distribution of resources at the subsoil level (oil, gas, manganese, chromium, copper, etc.) and the earth’s surface (rivers, seas, vegetation, climate) must undoubtedly intrigue man, who still does not know, despite centuries of technical and scientific progress, the criteria for such a distribution; even less why these different resources have been determined with measure (alternation between drought and flood, seasonal depletion of fishery resources, cantonment of our agricultural production plans at predetermined times of the year, etc.).
The weight of the earth, its programmatic creation, and its enormous storage capacity, must make every reasoning mind admit that it is perfectly fit to meet our subsistence needs. If we think in terms of mass, the terrestrial globe, with its 6.10²4 tons seems to have been more difficult to create than man; even with an average weight of 100 kg per inhabitant, the estimated world population of 7 billion is only an extremely small part of the land mass. Moreover, by incorporating into the process our insignificant industrial production, which many world scientists wrongly accuse of being at the origin of the climatic disturbances, one realizes that the capacities of reproduction and storage of the earth are without common measure with the needs of creation. This reasoning that focuses fundamentally on our only terrestrial natural cradle does not even integrate our atmosphere, which is inherently infinite.
We would like to remind the proponents of the discourse on human responsibility on the degradation of ecosystems that the earth as well as the universe operate on the basis of a system logic with its own objectives, mechanisms of self-control and self-regulation and of course its powers of sanction whenever its balance and harmony are broken. Among the balances essential to the functioning of the system are some examples: the water of the river and the sea which do not mix, the elements of creation produced, all, as a couple; the alternation of night and day, the mountains positioned at vulnerable places on the earth to stabilize them, the biological creations (animals, humans or plants) which obey to well-defined norms and logics whose primary vocations seem regeneration, preservation of identity and respect for programmed natural cycles.
However, it is clear that humans fundamentally question the functioning of the system by genetically modified organs (GMOs), the alteration of various creations (premature picking of fruits and vegetables, crossbreeding of animals), the practice of acts against nature, moral crises, corruption generating fundamental imbalances in the judicious allocation of resources at the global level and the loss of ethics.
This break in harmony creates disorders harmful to the economic and social progress of humanity. And natural phenomena remind us of it every time.
In our opinion, all our difficulties in the environmental field come, more from these dysfunctions in the coherence of the system, than from a surplus of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere whose infinite extent allows for the smooth absorption of our CO2. The atmosphere is perfectly ordered so that our meager smokes destroy it. The management of the cycle of water, vegetation and cultures obeys an order that escapes humanity. The permanent expansion of the Universe is an evidence of an invisible force that holds the management parameters of the heavens and the earth.
We must revisit the history of our humanity to realize that our contemporary environmental difficulties have been experienced by other generations before us. This was the case of the first deluge that mankind experienced in Noah’s day, the disappearance of various peoples in history: the Thamūd, the Aad, and the Lot community, to name but a few, by violent climatic phenomena.
Does Humanity show lucidity and humanism in taking a position on environmental issues to the detriment of vital issues such as child malnutrition and women’s vulnerability?
It is high time for humanity to change its paradigm in its approach to environmental phenomena. The analysis data and the hypotheses retained seem biased since the beginning and it is not superfluous to wonder about the real motivations which led a small group of scientists and some world leaders to “embark” the humanity in vain combat, lost in advance, and strongly mobilizing energy. Despite the unreliable nature of our forecasting tools, an organization like Climate Action Tracker (CAT), one of four research centers, even predicted a warming of 2.9 to 3.1 degrees. here at 2100.
Certainly, geopolitical ulterior motives could explain the constant and incomprehensible positions taken on environmental issues. Indeed, the loss of influence of the northern countries, following an inevitable aging of the population, a loss of competitiveness and the gradual shift of the global industrial center of gravity from the north to the emerging countries naturally generate frustrations. Moreover, the environmental question was stirred for the first time in 1972, in a context marked by profound changes in China and at the time when serious observers anticipated industrial relocation phenomena from Europe to low-cost countries. productions, with its consequences for employment.
As a future global economic power, China was preparing to light the fire of its irresistible economic take-off. Curbing the industrial momentum of these countries by making them commit to CO2 reduction became a geopolitical weapon. Just as much to encourage poor countries not to cut a natural resource, forests, mortgages their ability to find internal financial resources necessary for their development and to embark on the emergence.
Meanwhile, the announced financial compensation efforts are just wishful thinking that are hard to achieve. A game of dupes, no doubt.
Meanwhile, the announced financial compensation efforts are just wishful thinking that are hard to achieve. A game of dupes, no doubt.
At the moment when humanity has made a commitment to reduce global temperature by 2 degrees, a phenomenon that is naturally beyond the reach of human influence, there is reason to question the realism of such commitments, especially in the lack of an international control body and sanction mechanisms.
The financial commitments to create a $ 100 billion clearing fund from 2020 seem equally illusory in the context of fears of a new global financial crisis expressed by the IMF.
We call on our fellow citizens to be more modest and more measured in the assessment of environmental issues; stop these vanity and naivety initiatives and avoid wasting time on uncontrollable issues; Let’s learn to be realistic and pragmatic. Let’s focus on issues that are realizable and useful to humanity. Let’s focus our energies on virtuous growth and solidarity. ”
Magaye GAYE
Economist Consultant
President of the Senegalese Political Party
“The third way”
Dakar Senegal