The Agency for the Development and Promotion of the Grand Inga Project (ADPI-DRC) announced Tuesday, October 16, to have signed an exclusive development agreement with consortiums China Inga III of China and Pro Inga of Spain, at the end a call for tenders launched in 2010.
“Under this agreement, the Democratic Republic of Congo ratifies the constitution of a single consortium by the two groups, candidates for the tender for the Inga 3 Project and remained in contention,” reads a statement Press.
By decision of June 12, 2017, recalls the document, the Agency represented by Bruno KAPANDJI KALALA, Chargé de Mission of Joseph KABILA, “invited the two candidates to work on an optimized offer as part of the consolidation of their consortia, on the basis of a re-evaluated project from 4,800 MW to 11,000 MW “.
According to the agreement, the two groups will have to “finance implementation studies by carrying out work to update the available studies to take into account the revised size of the Project, including environmental and social studies as well as purchase intentions. of electricity “. Then submit to the DRC, “the final outline of the Project of the plant whose cost is estimated at 14 billion USD for approval by the State”.