The tenth edition of the Cameroon Business Forum (CBF) will take place on March 18, 2019 in Douala, in a difficult economic environment where the government is struggling to respect its own timetable for the economic emergence projected in 2035.
Economic and financial gratin, investors from all sides will meet again next week in the Cameroonian economic metropolis, as part of their annual meeting dedicated to development issues. The event, which aims beyond improving the business climate, strengthening the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) will be under the leadership of Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute.
On the theme “Emergence and development of private investment in Cameroon”, this economic event will see the participation of public and private investors whose main objective remains the improvement of the business environment. The CBF is a tripartite body bringing together the government, the actors of the business community as well as the financial technical partners of Cameroon. Consultations that lead the government to take more and more account of the proposals and remarks of the bosses in the development of the budgetary policies included in the budget law.
According to the Government, in recent years, “this body has brought together at each session, more than 2000 participants resulting in the adoption of many recommendations, the implementation of which has made it possible to record progress in various areas of the economic activity “. In this context, the next conference will take part in “the momentum of reforms geared to the involvement of the private sector, the engine of growth and the main provider of jobs, to the achievement of the objective of making our country an emerging economy. the 2035 horizon.
Among the themes selected, we can mention among others, the emergence and the challenge of industrialization, tax policy for the emergence of Cameroon, the import-export strategy for emergence, the definition of Doing business 2019 roadmap, not to mention the presentation of the state of execution of the ninth edition to set the tone of the work, all in a difficult socio-economic context at the national level, reinforced by a difficult international economic situation especially for unstructured economies in search of emergence.
In addition to the plenaries, there will also be exchanges with the press, whose focal point will focus on the results of the ten years of dialogue within the framework of the CBF as well as the prospects for public-private dialogue in Cameroon.