Crude oil from the Komé production center in southern Chad and transiting on a pipeline of about 1500 km in Cameroon to the oil terminal of the port of Kribi, has evolved in 2018. A good deal for Cameroon since the right of transit due to the Chad-Cameroon pipeline yielded 30 billion FCFA in state coffers, against 27 billion FCFA the previous year, said the National Hydrocarbons Company (SNH), this public company being the secular arm of the state in oil transactions.
The Pipeline Steering and Monitoring Committee (CPSP) states in its note that this amount represents 40.5 million barrels of crude oil removed at Kome-Kribi Terminal 1 (KK1) from Chad at an updated rate of 1.32106 dollar a barrel. These figures are significantly higher than in 2017, when 35.80 million barrels of crude oil were removed.
Explaining the reasons for the increase, SNH Executive Director Aldolphe Moudiki pointed out that since September 30, 2018, the transit duty rate has risen from $ 1.30, or $ 745.94 to $ 1.32106. dollars, about 758.02 FCFA per barrel. Changes, he said, “in accordance with Endorsement No. 2 of the Establishment Agreement of the Cameroon Oil Transportation Company (COTCO). ”
This rate will be applied until September 30, 2023, before both parties decide to maintain or change it.