160 dead and looping images in social networks and TVs around the world. In the aftermath of a massacre coldly planned and executed without qualms, President Ibrahima Boubakar Keita alias IBK has finally emerged from his ivory tower. From the heights of Koulouba, the strong man of Mali, reelected in 2018 according to the principle of “1 KO tower”, seemed in disconnection with the real country.
Nevertheless, his first decision after the tragedy of Ogossagou (Dogon term meaning “The will of the leader”), that of dismissing his chief of staff and eight senior military officials, pleads for his cause. It is the same with the announcement of the dissolution of the Dogon militia “Dan Nan Ambassagou” (The hunters who trust God) which vigorously proclaims its innocence. Blame of responsibility? In any case, for Beloch Ba MP, a member of the Defense Committee of the National Assembly, the authority knows all that the Dan Na Amassagou militia does against the Fulani community.
“The power is well informed of all the practices that this militia is doing. There is no attack in the circle of Koro or Bankass … against the Fulani community “which is not known to the authorities of the country”. According to him, this militia was created to secure a community while it is in a region and a circle where there are several communities. “If the state has to outsource security to a group, it must take care of everyone’s safety and not ensure the security of a single community. Which is completely abnormal, “said the MP.
It must be remembered that this militia, like all self-defense groups formed as the state retreated from the invisible forces, had been formed and trained with, at least, the benevolent neutrality of the State. . Today, while the International Criminal Court (ICC) announces the sending of a team on the ground, it must be said, the responsibilities are diffuse. But it can be said, the Malian state has failed in its mission to protect its citizens.
As we wrote six years ago in Mali, the sum of the forces is zero. Between the MINUSMA (United Nations Mission for Mali) who curiously chose to set up his quarters in the city center of Bamako in the hotel North South before withdrawing into the airport zone of Bamako, the G5 Sahel command, first set up in Sévaré and then strategic retreat in Bamako from the first skirmish wiped, the brave Malian army, the FAMa, still rebuilding after the heavy defeats of 2012 and 2013 against the MNLA, the French forces Barkhane, active in the field but in the image retracted by the ambient African conspiracy, finally protecting the Malians?
The only armies that lead an operational struggle (with infantrymen, tanks, and special commandos) remain the convoys of the Minusma, the Chadian armies, and, that will not please the followers of the conspiracy theory, French. While the center of Mali is falling into the hands of militias, terrorists or not, the great North, Kidal and around, seems to have escaped the central state in the name of the false agreements of Algiers.
And Peace flies over Mopti …
The center of Mali is a reservoir of problems of various forms, particularly related to the production, processing and cross-checking of data relating to Islamic education, banditry, land tenure, access to pastoral resources, and cohabitation between production systems, inter and intra-Community relations, etc.
The state since the beginning of this crisis is accused of having only extinguished the fire of the North by creating an even bigger fire in a region much more strategic and no less important for Mali.
The Fulani community in central Mali was the unfortunate heiress of the Tuareg rebellions and jihadist groups (Aqmi, Mujao, Katibat Macina …) against whom fronts of support to the Malian army were formed at each episode, like of Ganda Iso (Sonrhaï self-defense militia) and Dan Nan Ambassagou (Dogon self-defense militia).
These positions taken by the State at the Center favored the emergence of increased banditry, fueled by the free circulation of weapons resulting from these conflicts. Thus, the multiple agreements of Algiers have always neglected the consequences of the instability of the North on the Center, thus leaving the peace fly over Mopti.
Meanwhile, Amadou Koufa and Iad Ghaly in complete freedom
In this climate of tension and suspicion, amalgamations awaken and quintuplet the age-old antagonisms between Peul and Dogons. The attacks of the Macedonian Liberation Front (FLM) orchestrated by the VIP Iyad Ag Ghali, through Amadou Koufa as a useful idiot, allows the Islamists, who have already won the battle of the North, to dislocate the fabric social center Mali, to install chaos before the capture of this area, become a fruit too mature. Given dead on November 24, 2018 at the end of a joint operation of the Malian and French armies (a famous French weekly titling “Mali: the bottom of the operation having eliminated the jihadist leader Amadou Koufa”), the jihadist Fulani, of his true name Amadou Diallo, seems to be reborn from the ashes, supported by his accomplices who, they, have achieved the major objective of creating a civil war between the Bambara, Dogon and Peul. Meanwhile, from the protected heights of Koulouba, one names and names.