The total provisional amount of issues of public securities by auction in the countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) for the third quarter of 2019 amounted to CFAF 616 billion ($ 924 million). euros), according to the UMOA-Securities Agency based in Dakar (Senegal).
This amount results from a note addressed to investors operating on the public securities market of the WAEMU States by Mr. Adrien Diouf Director of the UMOA-Titres agency.
The amount of projected issues is divided into equivalent Treasury Bills (BAT) for 280 billion FCFA and equivalent Treasury bonds (OAT) for 336 billion FCFA.
On a monthly basis, issuance amounts to CFAF 215 billion for July 2019, CFAF 210 billion for August 2019 and CFAF 191 billion for September 2019.
With the exception of Benin, Niger and Senegal, all UEMOA countries have indicated their intention to issue. On the basis of the provisional calendar drawn up by the UMOA-Titres agency, the largest amounts will be made by Côte d’Ivoire (285 billion FCFA, of which 205 billion in BAT and 80 billion in OAT). This country is followed by Togo (115 billion FCFA including 80 billion OAT and 35 billion BAT), Burkina (105 billion of which 80 billion OAT and 40 billion BAT) and Mali (105 billion in OAT exclusively).