The resources mobilized by the decentralized financial systems (DFS) of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) falling under article 44 of the law regulating DFS (level of activity reaching a threshold of 2 billion FCFA of outstanding of deposits and loans) amounted to CFAF 1,501.0 billion (€ 2.251 billion) as of December 31, 2019, up 9.9%, according to data from the General Secretariat of the Banking Commission, the body supervision of banking activity based in Abidjan.
These resources are made up of deposits and loans (66.6%), net equity (27.2%) and other resources (6.2%), against 65.3%, 26.9% and 7, respectively, 7% in 2018.
Deposits and loans increased, year on year, by 12.1% at the end of 2019, to stand at CFAF 1 trillion. Data from the Commission Bancaire show that they consist, for the most part, of sight and term deposits, in the proportions of 57.2% and 42.8% respectively. The net equity of MFIs falling under Article 44 increased by 10.8% to stand at CFAF 407.7 billion against CFAF 368.0 billion at the end of 2018.
For their part, other resources (related debts, payments to be made on securities and financial fixed assets, order and miscellaneous accounts, provisions for risks and charges), recorded a drop of 11.9% to stand at 93 billion euros. FCFA at the end of the period under review. Regarding the cash flow of MFIs, it posted a surplus of 65.8 billion FCFA at the end of 2019 against 53.0 billion a year earlier, an improvement of 24.1%. “This trend is the result of an increase in resources (+ 9.9%) greater than that of jobs (+ 9.3%)”, underlines the Commission Bancaire.