The ONOMO hotel group has signed a partnership with Universal Music Africa (UMA) for the promotion of African culture and music. A timely joint venture, the cultural sector being one of the most impacted by the health crisis linked to the Coronavirus.
Despite the persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its negative repercussions on the production tool, many companies are already planning for the post-pandemic in order to continue their activities. With this in mind, the ONOMO Hotels group is joining Universal Music Africa, the African subsidiary of Universal Music Group (UMG), thus enriching its ONOMO Africa’s Finest label in order to promote African music and culture.
This partnership was born despite an unfavorable economic context for the hotel and cultural industries, entered into force on November 5, 2020, thus demonstrating the confidence of the two groups, their courage and their firm desire to support the artists of the continent. Taking into account the health context, it will initially be deployed in five African countries and will see talented artists from the continent perform on the stages of ONOMO hotels.
According to the terms of the agreement, the joint action between Universal Music Africa and ONOMO Hotels aims on the one hand to generate a true artistic synergy and on the other hand to lay the foundations for a lasting and exportable creativity both in continental and global scale. According to the chronogram, Lomé, Dakar, Kigali and Durban are starting the ball rolling. The choice of the two partners falls, initially, on the ONOMO hotels of Douala (Cameroon), Lomé (Togo), Dakar (Senegal), Kigali (Rwanda) and Durban (South Africa) which will host several concerts.