The National Telecommunications Company of Senegal (SONATEL) will proceed, on January 16, 2021, to the payment of half-yearly interest on its bond loan called “Sonatel 6.50% 2020-2027” for an amount of 3.250 billion FCFA (4.875 million of euros).
In order to finance its 2020 investment plan linked to its operations in Senegal (its main market), Sonatel had launched on the financial market of the West African Monetary Union (UMOA) a bond loan by public offering. for an amount of 100 billion FCFA. An interest rate of 6.50%, payable semi-annually from the vesting date of the securities (acquired since July 16, 2020), had been offered to subscribers. As for the repayment of capital, it was also half-yearly, after two years
deferred, ie four semesters, at the rate of payment of one tenth of the capital over the five years.
The operation, which took place from July 7 to 15, 2020, was a resounding success with the subscription of 10 million bonds at a price of 10,000 FCFA each.
Founded on July 23, 1985, the Sonatel Group, headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, is currently present in five countries in West Africa (Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau).
The Company has more than 32.7 million customers throughout the territories of presence with a turnover of FCFA 1,087 billion at the end of the 2019 financial year. During this period, Sonatel achieved a Consolidated profit of CFAF 196.771 billion, down 2.70%.
The Company has been listed on the regional stock exchange (BRVM) since 1998 with a market capitalization of nearly 1.700 billion FCFA as of December 31, 2019. This represents 35.85% of the BRVM Composite index (general index of the Stock Exchange ) and 55.90% of the BRVM 10 index (index of the 10 flagship stocks of the Stock Exchange).
With a capital of 50 billion FCFA, Sonatel has as main shareholders the Orange Group (42%), the State of Senegal (27%), the employees (7%) and the rest (24%) coming back to various carriers through the BRVM.