Cameroon’s eligibility for the “Prevention and Resilience Allocation (PRA)” window of the World Bank should make it possible to mobilize nearly 362 billion FCFA, approximately 670 billion dollars. Funds allowing this country to pursue its development program in the face of multiple challenges, in particular the socio-political crisis in the North-West and South-West regions, the attacks of the terrorist sect Boko Haram in the Far North and the influx of Central African refugees in the eastern region.
To achieve this, the country will need to develop a strong and inclusive strategy taking into account sectoral and national perspectives based on adequate and targeted solutions, the objective being to achieve a structural transformation of the national economy towards inclusive development. .
For the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development Alamine Ousmane Mey, so that “Cameroon has every chance” of being elected to this program, especially since the actions to fight against situations of violence and conflict are in line with the objectives of the National Development Strategy 2020-2030 (SND30) on good governance, decentralization and strategic management of the State.
With a view to combating the inequalities which have increased in the world because of conflicts, violence of all kinds, climate change, etc., leading to factors of vulnerability, conflict and / or violence, the World Bank (WB ) has developed a 2020-2025 FCV (Facility, Conflict and Violence) strategy with the aim of strengthening the prevention and resilience system of the countries in question. The aim is to meet the needs of countries where there is a risk of escalation into fragility or high intensity conflict.