Despite the army’s deployment to hotbeds of tension, in Niamey, erupted protests continued in the Nigerien capital. Breakages have been perpetrated again. During the day of Thursday, February 25, the home of Moussa Kaka, Rfi correspondent in Niamey, was set on fire.
At the end of the evening, there were two dead, including the close guard of Seïni Oumarou, third in the first round of the presidential election who allied with the candidate of the ruling party for the second round.
According to indiscretions, an army officer by the name of Boureima, close to Hama Amadou, was arrested two days earlier at his home. In addition to a hundred demonstrators who were arrested on the evening of Wednesday, February 24, other arrests continued through Thursday. According to Interior Minister Alkache Alhada there have been 470 arrests including other politicians. Designated as the instigators of the violence, the leader of the Moden Fa Lumana party, Hamadou Amadou, is, according to Minister Alkache, wanted. Reached by telephone, his lawyer, Boubacar Mossi, confirmed to us the descent of armed men around his residence in Niamey.
Still speaking about Hama Amadou, the Minister of the Interior affirms: “on September 22, he said that if his candidacy was not accepted, what had happened in Mali will happen in Niger… I do not even do case of the racist remarks he made, it is not responsible ”.
For him, the perpetrators and accomplices of these acts will not go unpunished. “We will not accept that this country becomes a country of dictatorship, we will not accept that those who want at all costs, whatever the conditions, including by setting fire, come to power, we will not accept that, ”he continues.