For the first time in a decade, the profit made by Nestlé Côte d’Ivoire will allow dividends to be distributed to shareholders at the rate of CFAF 363.665 net per share. What is more, this decision endorsed by the general meeting of June 4 comes at a time when the Nestlé CI (NTLC) share, up 868, 75% compared to the previous year, is currently one of the most popular stocks. on the regional stock exchange (BRVM).
“The activities in 2020 took place in a relatively difficult social and economic environment, marked by an unprecedented health crisis linked to the COVID19 pandemic. Thanks to the relevance and effectiveness of the recovery measures initiated by the Management to curb the effects of the health crisis, the commercial and financial results confirm a very good performance, thus showing the resilience capacity of Nestlé CI ”, reads- one in a company statement.
The different product categories, represented by the MAGGI®, NESCAFE®, NIDO®, MILO®, CERELAC® and other infantile products brands, experienced very good growth thanks to a strategy focused on consumers and innovation. “This good performance was underpinned by quality human resources, for which the company has continued to invest in their training,” said the Nestlé CI press release. Believing that “2020 has been resolutely a“ green ”year focused on sustainable development. Growth took place while consolidating the various initiatives in favor of environmental protection, through the fight against deforestation, the management of plastic waste and the promotion of a green economy. The efforts will continue. The annual report and accounts were approved by majority vote by the shareholders and the Board of Directors was re-elected for the next four fiscal years. For 2021, Nestlé is committed to continuing to provide its consumers with tasty and healthy products, and to reinforce its winning strategy, focused on innovation and a suitable commercial offer, guaranteeing sustainable growth “.
The good trend of 2021 seems in any case to continue in the first quarter with a turnover of 45 billion FCFA, up 16% and a net profit of 4 billion FCFA, up 893%.