CFAO Motors Côte d’Ivoire will pay its shareholders as of June 25, 2021, for the 2020 financial year, an overall net dividend of 4.017 billion FCFA (6.025 million euros), according to the draft resolution proposed by the Board of Directors for the Ordinary General Meeting to be held on June 15, 2021.
It results from the proposal to allocate the result for fiscal year 2020 (of CFAF 3.779 billion, down 28.08% compared to 2019) gross dividends to be paid of CFAF 4.463 billion, i.e. a gross dividend per share. of 24.61 FCFA. After deducting the 10% tax on income from securities (IRVM), the net dividend per share stands at 22.149 FCFA against 28.97 FCFA in 2019, a decrease of 6.821 FCFA.
At the end of the 2020 financial year, CFAO Motors Côte d’Ivoire had seen its turnover decline slightly by 4.03% to 99.126 billion FCFA against 103.289 billion FCFA in 2019.
During the period under review, the company saw most of its expenses increase. Thus the Other purchases item had evolved from 16.293 million to 475.133 million FCFA against 458.840 million FCFA in 2019. The Transport item also saw its level increase by 22.969 million, from 110.329 million FCFA in 2019 to 133.298 million FCFA in 2020. On the other hand, the external services of the company had recorded a decrease from 112 million to 4.271 billion FCFA against 4.383 billion FCFA in 2019.
The other expenses of CFAO Motors Côte d’Ivoire also increased from 257 million to 6.940 billion FCFA against 6.683 billion FCFA in 2019.
The added value of the company fell by 8.35%, from 14.124 billion FCFA in 2019 to 12.944 billion FCFA in 2020.
A decrease of 2.085 billion was noted in the gross operating surplus which stood at 6.459 billion FCFA against 8.544 billion FCFA in 2019. The same downward trend was observed at the level of operating income, from 7.482 billion from FCFA in 2019 to 5.450 billion FCFA in 2020.