By Michel BRIZOUA-BI, Lawyer
After June 17, there will inevitably come another day, June 18. We will realize that there was no earthquake at the edge of the Ebrié lagoon when a plane landed, that the day in Eburnie always lasts 24 hours neither more nor less, than after the weather of war one day you have to sit down to discuss how to make peace, that after the tears of the sufferings endured, when the calabash reaches its overflow, think about stopping because everyone wants to move forward , that the sounds of our mythical dances the zaouli, the tematé, the bolohi etc … will always make our hearts beat, that our Elephants will always continue to unite us in the collective hysteria of victories and the silent goumin that makes us sleep in 19 hours after losing matches, that the Babi climate will not suddenly become that comparable to the Benguist winter so envied by these candidates for the migration of madness to this continent of illusions, that certain peoples of our regions will always be mocked for their excessive consumption e palm wine while others will see their national leadership in song reach heights unmatched since April 11, 2011, that the foreigner will benefit as before from the hospitality that makes the indigenous jealous, that despite the plurality of our languages, ethnicities, religions and political parties, the bickering of a day or ten years will end tchoco-tchoco with hugs and loud laughter the next day between those who were divided like roosters in battle, and that In the end, everyone will look with admiration at this nation and finally understand that the Ivorians see nothing, like the others, because they are ALL ONE.