On July 16, 2021, the Ivorian company Uniwax S.A, specializing in the manufacture of textiles, will pay its shareholders, for the 2020 financial year, an overall net dividend of CFAF 373.500 million (€ 560,250).
Compared to the 20.750 million shares that make up the company’s share capital, the net dividend per share stands at 18FCFA against 181.80 FCFA in 2018. The 2019 financial year did not result in a distribution of dividends.
The net dividend per share to be distributed on July 16 represents 9% of the nominal value of the share, which is 200 FCFA.
At the end of the 2020 financial year, Uniwax Cote d’Ivoire had made an after-tax profit of CFAF 370 million against CFAF 3.094 billion in 2019, a sharp drop of 88.04%.
The company’s turnover followed the same downward trend (-13.07%), going from 40.166 billion FCFA in 2019 to 34.916 billion FCFA a year later. It had been impacted mainly by the sales of manufactured products which rose from 39.477 billion FCFA at the end of 2019 to 34.190 billion FCFA at the end of 2020.
The added value also fell by around 28.42% to 8.410 billion FCFA against 11.750 billion FCFA in 2019.
The same is true of the gross operating surplus which had recorded a sharp drop of 57%, standing at 2.836 billion FCFA against 6.541 billion FCFA a year earlier.
For its part, operating income plunged 84.36%, standing at 676 million FCFA against 4.318 billion FCFA in 2019.