At its meeting today, the Board of Directors appointed Yasser Shaker as CEO of Orange Egypt effective May 1, 2018.
Yasser Shaker is a recognized engineer who has played an important role in the technology sector for over 20 years. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo University and holds an MBA from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce in Rennes (France).
Previously, Mr. Yasser was Senior VP CTIO Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) where he contributed to the successful execution of the Orange Group’s strategy for the development of digitization in 19 countries. Previously, Yasser was the Chief Technology Officer of Orange Egypt.
As a member of the Executive Committee of OMEA, he has been a major contributor to the growth and success of OMEAs in recent years. He will lead the Orange Egypt team to accelerate the digitization of the country with the full support of the Orange group.
This appointment confirms the confidence of the Orange group in the Egyptian leadership. Orange’s presence in Egypt is of utmost importance for its future development in Africa and the Middle East. Orange confirms its confidence in the development potential of the Egyptian market. Egypt will always be a crucial and essential hub for the growth of its business in the region.