The growth of the urban population and its transformation of social habits that leads to seclusion and sedentarization deprives artisans of their age-old marketing approach based on recommendation and proximity. The consequence is that artisans are less accessible in town, because little known and not having means of promotion and visibility.
It has therefore been conceived as an independent, collaborative platform that connects individuals and artisans in a framework of trust that takes into account geographical proximity. This platform pursues the major objectives:
• Provide visibility and digital identity to artisans,
• Create a free directory (identify, sort by location and evaluate) for individuals who can find specialized craftsmen,
• Help craftsmen to increase and secure their income through training and counseling. is an initiative for African artisans of the Kundi Africa Foundation conceived, executed and managed by Metiers Point Africa SARL, a technology solutions company based in Togo.