The Regional Fund for Mortgage Refinancing (CRRH-UEMOA) issues its 8th public bond issue on the regional financial market.
The peculiarity of this operation is that it is issued in 2 tranches, according to the following denominations: “CRRH-UEMOA 5,95% 2018-2030” for 25 billion Fcfa and “CRRH-UEMOA 6,05% 2018-2033” for 5 billion Fcfa.
With a total indicative amount of CFAF 30 billion, the proceeds of this loan will be used, by the CRRH-UEMOA, for its housing loan refinancing operations in favor of seven (07) shareholder banks having previously indicated their need and whose files were studied and approved by the Commitments Committee of the institution that sat on September 28, 2018.
Subscriptions to the operation will extend until November 30, 2018 and are open to all investors, institutional and natural persons, resident or not in the WAEMU area. The CRRH-UEMOA is rated “AA +” in the long term on the regional scale with Perspective stable.