The turnover of Vivo Energy Ivory Coast, a company specializing in the distribution of hydrocarbon products, recorded a 4% increase at the end of the first quarter of 2019 compared to the same period of the year 2018, announced the leaders of this company based in Abidjan.
This turnover amounted to 88.179 billion FCFA against 84.643 billion FCFA at 31 March 2018, an increase of 3.413 billion FCFA. According to company officials, this increase is due to the combined effect of volume and margins.
As for the operating result, it was boosted by 15% to 2.498 billion FCFA against 2.208 billion FCFA at March 31, 2018 due to the improvement of the margins of the company and the mastery of operating costs.
For its part, the result of ordinary activities is up 4% with an achievement of 2,238 billion FCFA against 2,153 billion FCFA in the first quarter of 2018.
The same increase was recorded in the after-tax profit of Vivo Energy Côte d’Ivoire, which rose from CFAF 1.593 billion at 31 March 2018 to CFAF 1.655 billion a year later.