After the official merger of the Central African Securities Exchange (BVMAC) on July 4, 2019, we expect the start of operations with stock market trading operations in both the equity and bond market. the possibility for the countries of the subregion to be able to finance their economies.
Two months after the first phase of the unification of the Regional Financial Market in accordance with the decision of the Heads of State of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) the Chairman of the Board Henri Claude Oyima went on 04 September 2019 at the meeting of the Cameroonian Minister of Finance Louis-Paul Motazé. Objective, take stock of the second phase of the process of unification of the regional stock exchange.
Accompanied by the Director General of the BVMAC, Jean Claude Ngbwa, he acted for the President of the Board of Directors of the Central African Financial Market, to collect guidance from the national monetary authority for the revitalization of this stock exchange. the architecture is in full constitution.
This meeting comes a few days after calls for applications for management positions. This suggests imminent takeoff of the stock market. According to the PCA, “it is a question of all the teams now in place for this scholarship to function effectively and efficiently”.
Officials of the Regional Financial Market seem to have learned of the ruinous coexistence of the BMVAC and the National Stock Exchange of Cameroon Douala stock exchange (DXS) do not intend to fall into the same mistakes. On the contrary, they would have drawn the consequences of these procrastinations, hence the determination to endow the CEMAC area with a truly operational and dynamic fellowship to contribute to the financing of the subregional economies.
“Things are working well. The teams are now based in Douala. We now have to strengthen the action of the first compartment, the shares. Because today, our stock market is mainly focused on the bond compartment. We are also going to make the second market live since we bring to the level of the banking sector a lot of commitments and we think today that the secondary market can also be boosted so that we can bring to our economic operators of the sub-region other financing mechanisms of the economy, “said Henri Claude Oyima.
In the second phase of its structuring, the Regional Financial Market benefits from the support of the World Bank (WB) in three areas, notably the harmonization of the regulatory body, the optimization of market infrastructures and the strengthening of human resources capacities. merged structures.