With a view to defining the strategic orientations of its future 2021-2025 business plan and preparing its initial public offering at the BVMAC, the BGFIBank Group launched its “All employees” program on January 16, 2020. All contributors ”.
The objective of this program, which is aimed at all of the group’s 2,250 employees in eleven countries on two continents, is twofold. On the one hand, allow each of them to make their contribution to the next business project 2021-2025 by giving their views and ideas. On the other hand, allow all BGFIBank employees to become shareholders of their Group when it goes public in 2020.
Each employee is therefore called upon to make a double contribution to the future of the Group: through their reflection and their participation in the capital.
“The group’s main directions for 2025 concern both the strategic directions and the sustainable, controlled and profitable growth of our Group. They will be contained in the 2021-2025 business plan which will succeed the previous plan called Excellence 2020 “, explains the CEO of the BGFIBank Group, Mr. Henri Claude Oyima.
“As for the BGFIBank Holding Corporation IPO project and the 20% capital opening operation, all Group employees are eligible to take part in it massively, which will allow them to build wealth and benefit the Group’s growth results, “said Mr. Oyima at the start of a year full of challenges for the number one banking institution in Central Africa and one of the benchmark financial institutions on the scale of the African continent.