The benefit of Bank Of Africa (BOA) Burkina Faso, a subsidiary of the banking group of the same name, will pay its shareholders on May 3, 2021, for the financial year 2020 an overall net dividend of CFAF 8.140 billion (12.210 million euros). ‘euros), announced the leaders of this banking establishment based in Ouagadougou.
Compared to the 22 million shares that make up the bank’s capital, this corresponds to a net dividend of CFAF 370 per share of CFAF 1,000 as in 2019. This dividend level, which represents 37% of the par value of the share of the bank, follows the inclusion of the tax on income from securities (IRVM) at the rate of 12.5% on the gross dividend per share in the amount of 423 FCFA.
BOA Burkina achieved, at the end of fiscal year 2020, an after-tax profit of FCFA 17.607 billion against FCFA 18.511 billion, a decrease of 4.88%. On the other hand, the bank’s total balance sheet was up 13.94% to 988.180 billion FCFA against 867.213 billion FCFA as of December 31, 2019.
BOA Burkina had also seen its resources collected from its customers grow from 136.497 billion FCFA to 761.160 billion FCFA. For their part, the credits granted to this same clientele increased from 26.551 billion to 554.270 billion FCFA. BOA Burkina Faso’s net banking income increased by 10.85%, from 42.707 billion FCFA as of December 31, 2019 to 47.367 billion FCFA during the period under review.
Gross operating income (GOR) also increased by 7.33%, from 23.410 billion FCFA in 2019 to 25.127 billion FCFA during the period under review. However, the bank’s cost of risk had sharply increased by 3.192 billion FCFA during the period under review, with a level standing at 5.275 billion FCFA against 2.063 billion FCFA in 2019. For its part, operating income had fallen by 6.91% to 19.852 billion FCFA against 21.327 billion FCFA as of December 31, 2019.