In its report on sustainable development published on Tuesday, May 4, the mining operator Perseus Mining Limited announces that it has made an investment of 385 million USD in 2020 for its gold mines of Sissingué (north) and Yaouré (Center) in Côte d ‘Ivory and that of Edikan in Ghana. The company also notes an increase in community investments of 71% to reach approximately USD 1.9 million in 2020.
“Despite the challenges the past year has brought, Perseus’s sustainability program has continued to strengthen and evolve alongside its expanding operations. Our large-scale efforts and engagement with our local communities and host governments have enabled us to create shared sustainable value for all of our stakeholders, ”says Jessica Volich, Group Sustainability Manager.
The operator claims to have increased its proportion of local procurement from 66% in 2019 to 78% in 2020, for a total of 287 million USD. This is the consequence of the financing of health infrastructure and education projects for local communities.
According to its activity report for the first three months of 2021 published on April 19, Perseus Mining produced 88,458 ounces of gold, up 29% from the previous quarter, bringing the total to l current fiscal year at 225,845 ounces.