The UEMOA Regional Mortgage Refinancing Fund (CRRH-UEMOA), in partnership with the World Bank, organized on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 May 2021, by videoconference, a second training workshop on “ENVIRONMENTAL RISK AND SOCIAL HOUSING LOANS IN UEMOA ”. This workshop is in line with the recommendations for the regular republication of the workshops on the environmental and social risk of home loans from the first workshop. The objective of this workshop is to build on the achievements of the first workshop on best practices for managing the environmental and social risks of housing loans in each country of the Union for housing finance. “We are organizing this workshop, the second time, in order to strengthen the awareness and skills of our shareholder banks and MFIs in taking environmental and social risk into account in the financing of housing loans. The concern is also to secure their financing in favor of housing, but the investment of their customers, and the quality of the refinancing that we offer. “, Specified, Mr. Christian AGOSSA, Director General of CRRH-UEMOA.
The work, organized around two themes “Environmental and social risks in housing construction operations” and “the establishment and evaluation of the environmental and social risk management system linked to housing loans. », Allowed participants from all UEMOA countries, with the help of international experts:
– deepen the key principles of environmental and social risks in housing construction operations, as part of the management of housing loan portfolios;
– explore models and evaluation instruments for the establishment and evaluation of the environmental and social risk management system linked to housing loans, and in particular social housing loans;
– better understand and integrate the environmental and social risk monitoring sheet into loan files submitted for refinancing by CRRH-UEMOA, respecting the institution’s exclusion list.
The lessons and experiences shared during these two (02) days will allow shareholder banks and MFIs to articulate their requests for refinancing to CRRH-UEMOA with the requirements of the institution’s Environmental and Social Policy, which devotes its commitment to responsible finance in WAEMU countries. The training workshop was led by environmental and social risk experts from TOG’AUDIT CONSULTING SARL, in the presence of Ms. Ekaterina GRIGORYEVA Environmental and social risk specialist at the World Bank.