The World Bank is granting USD 50 million to the Disarmament, Demobilization, Recovery, Community and Stabilization Program (P-DDRCS) in DR Congo, a financial support that President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi welcomed on Sunday, June 13, 2021 in Goma, capital from the province of North Kivu.
“This time, there is something concrete. I salute the support of the World Bank which gives us 50 million USD to start. It’s a process that will work. Because, we will take care of these militiamen from their release until their reintegration “, rejoiced the head of the Congolese state, who made the announcement.
Pending the issuance of the ordinances establishing the DDRCS and the appointment of its members, transitional measures, put in place by the government to allow the return to civilian life of unarmed militiamen, are strictly observed. The program aims at the socio-economic reintegration of young people demobilized from armed groups through a series of vocational training courses, in particular at the National Institute for Vocational Preparation (INPP).
The establishment of this Program (DDRCS) stems from the merger of the DDR and STAREC programs for the reintegration of demobilized persons into economic and public interest activities, far from the profession of arms. It comes to materialize one of the flagship actions of the government program aimed at strengthening the authority of the State throughout the national territory.