The board of directors of Maroc Leasing published on July 16, 2021, its financial results on the Casablanca stock exchange. It shows that the net result recorded a strong increase of 103.3% compared to June 30, 2020, and stands at 29.61 million dirhams (3.3 million USD), under the effect of the increase of GNP.
The latter increased by 28.9% to reach 158.22 million dirhams (18 million USD) at the end of June 2021. As for production, it is up 25% to reach 1.55 billion of dirhams (173 million USD) at the end of June 2021 against 1.24 billion (138 million USD) a year earlier. This development is explained by the recovery in economic activity.
Regarding financial outstanding, it posted a decrease of 0.6% over the same period considered to stand at 11.63 billion dirhams (1.2 billion USD). Regarding Maroc Leasing’s indebtedness, it fell by 1.15% compared to June 30, 2020 under the cumulative effect of the decrease in private debt and the decrease in bank indebtedness. .
In its outlook for the second half of 2021, the Moroccan leasing leader stressed that it will initiate new horizons of growth and development in synergy with the Groupe Banque centrale populaire (BCP).
Created in 1965, Maroc Leasing was the very first leasing company in the Kingdom. The company listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange has a portfolio of 15,000 served clients with no less than 55,000 deals handled.