Patrimoine Africa, a structure based in Abidjan, announced the launch of a bond loan for an internal fund relating to poultry production called “Fipra-PA 2021”, with the promise of a significant return on investment.
“This loan was launched without authorization, in violation of the instruction relating to the public offering for savings within the West African Monetary Union (Uemoa) and the government measure prohibiting illegal financial investments. », Indicates the National Treasury in a press release published this Thursday, October 28.
Launched through social networks, this loan aimed to reach a value of 100 million CFA francs with a nominal value of 10,000 CFA francs and an annual interest rate of 50%. The actors staggered it over a four-year period.
The Treasury maintains that “the interest rate of 50% which is proposed, coupled with the return of the capital subscribed at the end of the contract, constitute warning elements which invite to turn away from this type of investment”.
Before this exit, the Regional Council of Public Savings and Financial Markets (CREPMF) had already sounded the alarm bells. Indicating that they have not issued any approval to Patrimoine Africa, nor registered a request for such an operation.