The articles published by the editorial staff of Kapital Afrik/ Financial Afrik Journal, by columnists and external contributors, adhere to ethical charters, conventions, codes, and laws on the publication and dissemination of information.
While reaffirming our commitment to universal principles on human dignity, freedom of worship and conscience, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Munich Charter on the duties and rights of journalists, we are convinced that the production and dissemination of information should not infringe on human dignity. Therefore, any publication promoting racial, ethnic, religious hatred, or attacking particular categories is prohibited. Religion is a matter of private space. Information pertains to the public space. The journalist of Kapital Afrik/ Financial Afrik is bound by the following principles concerning facts limited to the public space:
- Report the facts independently and without pressure.
- The instruction given to the journalist by his editor-in-chief must be in accordance with the charter below and under no circumstances go against the facts.
- The information must be cross-checked, verified, and not be plagiarized, insulting, or defamatory.
- Respect professional secrecy and not reveal confidential sources. Strictly respect “Off the record.”
- Do not use unfair methods to obtain information, documents, sound recordings, or photographs. Do not manipulate documents or elements for the purpose of disguising the truth.
- Respect the privacy of individuals.
- Any published information should have social utility, contribute to the common good, and the general interest.
- Grant the right of reply to any party involved in the reported information as soon as the right of reply, correction, or precision concerns the reported facts.
- Differentiate between information and communication, commercial and political propaganda.