Addis Ababa: African Economic Conference 2023
Theme: The imperatives of sustainable industrial development in Africa
The 2023 African Economic Conference, jointly organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), will focus on the theme: “The Imperatives of
sustainable industrial development in Africa”. It will be held at the Skylight Hotel
Addis Ababa, from November 16 to 18, and will bring together a wide range of players (political decision-makers, industrialization experts private sector representatives, researchers and young people) to discuss the challenges and the challenges and prospects of industrialization, which Africa so desperately needs to achieve economic security and sustainable development.
The conference will provide an opportunity for participants to review the history of industrialization on the continent, particularly since the return to economic positive growth.
at the end of the 1990s, and to identify the difficulties encountered, lessons learned, opportunities
lessons learned, opportunities and strategies for harnessing the full potential of industrialization
potential to achieve economic security and sustainable development in Africa in Africa. It will also provide an opportunity for both senior academics and young researchers to present their solution-oriented research to policy and decision-makers solutions for strengthening the industrialization dynamic in Africa, with a view to achieving sustainable development goals and the aspirations of Agenda 2063 : the Africa we want, of the African Union, so that no one is left behind.
Conference objectives
The African Economic Conference is the main forum for discussion of Africa’s pressing concerns. Since 2006, it has promoted the exchange of knowledge on various topics. Its specific objectives are to:
- Promote knowledge management as a key driver of concertation, planning and
policy dialogue, planning and implementation ; - Encourage dialogue between researchers, development practitioners and decision-makers
decision-makers; - Encourage and strengthen research on African economic and strategic issues by promoting evidence-based policy-making;
- Provide opportunities for young African researchers, Africans in the diaspora and
and organizations to share their knowledge with decision-makers; - Enable researchers, decision-makers and representatives of civil society
and the private sector to meet and reach consensus on strategies and policies to accelerate Africa’s inclusive and sustainable development.
Expected products and results
The expected products of the Conference are as follows:
- A conference report ;
- A compilation of the Conference proceedings, incorporating comments and relevant feedback from participants (this compilation will be published after the Conference);
- Publication of selected articles in special issues of the African Development Review and the Journal of Africa’s Transformation;
- Summary notes;
- A market platform for economic research in Africa.
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