Dakar: Seminar on the implementation of a risk management approach
Master the steps of the risk management process to be autonomous in implementation
1- Mastery of fundamental concepts:
Definition of concepts;
Risk manager and lmeqss related functions;
ISO 31000 and COSO II risk management framework;
Roles and responsibilities of process players.
2- Risk identification:
Preparation of the risk identification interview;
Risk identification workshop;
Risk coding.
3- Risk treatment:
Risk management arbitration;
Risk treatment typology;
Implementation of risk management systems.
4- Risk scoring:
Probability evaluation criteria;
Severity evaluation criteria
Criticality evaluation criteria;
Risk hierarchy.
5- Risk mapping output:
Elaboration of the mapping deliverable;
Observation of operational staff;
Selection of priority risks by department.
6- Monitoring of priority and unacceptable risks:
Compilation and validation of priority risks;
Selection of KRIs (Key Risk Indicators) to measure priority risks;
Elaboration of priority risk management dashboard.
Almamy Lamine Demba, Chartered Accountant with 15 years’ experience in risk management and internal control in a multinational operating in 6 West African countries.
Safietou DIALLO, Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ professional experience acquired in international firms and leading public institutions in Senegal in the fields of risk management, strategy, management and finance.
Certificate issued at the end of the course.
Telephone contact: 00 221 33 858 48 48